It was a very good conference on sustainability in cosmetics, with exciting insights into the latest developments in the market itself up to packaging. It started with ingredients, formulations for the products, certification, traceability of ingredients to sustainable packaging approaches – and ended with a good workshop by Andrew Dent on packaging materials and rethinking different issues, where our CEO and sustainability expert Peter Désilets was happy to give his input and enlighten on some facts and background.
As in most industries, there is a lot of uncertainty about the right approach in the cosmetics industry, and there is no simple and single solution. Also, the health aspects of ingredients and materials are currently being revised to avoid undesirable risks and effects on the human body.
Thank you to the organizing team for inviting us and giving us the opportunity to present to the attendees on the latest trends, materials and impacts of new packaging approaches, and for all the great conversations and discussions. We are looking forward to follow up the valuable new contacts to create a better future together, step by step, and share our knowledge.
If you need support to take the next step, don't hesitate to follow Peter Désilets or pacoon Sustainability Concepts GmbH on Linkedin, subscribe to our monthly newsletter here or contact us for further exchange.