Bernbacher – Relaunch Pesti and Pasta Sauces

"A good pasta doesn't have to cross the Brenner Pass"

Bernbacher Pesti Pasta Sauces Relaunch Graphic Design Branding Strategy Packaging Design Line Extension

For these good pastas, the pesti and pasta sauces were now also to receive a relaunch. Bernbacher also decided on more modern glass shapes. We developed the label designs to match.

This resulted in an appealingly striking design with strong color coding to also help customers choose the right flavor. The exciting perspective product images strengthen the tasteful posterity.

The biggest difficulty was the appropriate differentiation of the 9 different pasta sauces as well as the 5 pesto varieties. Overall, the design has become more self-assured.

"High compliments on the design development and implementation of the relaunch. Marketing, sales and field service are extremely enthusiastic."

Oliver Kuebert, Marketing Manager at Bernbacher

Buon Appetito!