Customized enterprise-content-management solutions
Brainsphere is a highly specialized IT company that develops customized enterprise-content-management solutions for its customers. One point in the company's mission statement is: 'We know that the truth is always complicated and are therefore open-minded.' Following this open-mindedness, it was possible to develop an image that clearly stands out in the market and in the competitive environment.
Right from the start, the focus was on using the new corporate image to target young talent and new employees. After all, the battle for the best employees in this sector is a decisive one.
'As a medium-sized company, it was necessary to keep up and stand out in this battle with an unusual appearance. For this purpose, the company name was implemented in a creative form and transfered on the web. At the same time, an almost playful approach was taken to the complicated processes and their visualization. The end result is a fresh business stationery and a successful website, which is a lot of fun due to loose illustrations.' (Micha Goes, Board of Directors)
And the client was able to register enormous interest among applicants at the job fair, who were attracted by the unusual.