The brand or branding strategy as a framework for your design projects
Why is a brand strategy actually so important for the success of your packaging design, what do you define in it and how does packaging and positioning of your brand interact?

A brand strategy – also known as branding strategy or brand development strategy – is the plan for achieving long-term goals that will ultimately lead to your brand being recognized and preferred by consumers. A successful strategy includes the brand's mission, its promises to customers, and how these are communicated. A marketing strategy describes the actions to implement the brand strategy and achieve its goals. A branding strategy, in turn, is more than your brand design elements, such as logo design, the color palette, or your website. Although these creative elements are integral to a successful brand strategy, there is much more to the intangible elements that influence brand awareness, brand equity and brand sentiment over time. Moods are often enough conveyed through means of design, through the impression at the POS, through packaging. These are all important ambassadors of your brand – and that is why the development of a packaging design is always a central part of the branding strategy.
The components of a successful brand strategy
With a brand strategy, you pursue the goal of making your potential buyers aware of your brand, of clarifying what purpose it pursues or what need it covers, and what makes it special. More and more, the purpose of your brand is a relevant part of a successful brand strategy. Surely you know some brands that convince less about their product benefits and components and more about their benefit for society or the protection of the environment. Therefore, a brand strategy is also a long-term, adapting strategy that often needs to be revised over time based on its success – classic task of an agency like ours and also part of the necessary briefing for us.
The success of a brand strategy is not always easy to measure, as the intangible elements are difficult to quantify. Generally speaking, a company or brand always pursues the twin goals of a good brand image and profit. When selling a brand or a company, the value of the brand is also relevant. If the brand makes a lot of profit but has a poor image, the success can very quickly turn negative when comparable competitor:s with a good image enter the stage. A brand with a very good image but little profit may have a lot of potential that has not yet been properly monetized. Therefore, decide right from the start how success will be measured and quantified later on. As an agency with many years of experience, we know what it takes to optimize image and monetization.
The central questions of your brand strategy include:
– What are your brand's goals and how do you communicate them?
– What needs does your brand cover and what benefits does it have for its target group?
– Who is your ideal clientele, your core target group?
– What does your clientele feel with your brand or how do you want them to feel?
A positioning of your brand or company is a clearly defined core of your brand strategy. Try to be precise, demonstrable and differentiated from the competition. The more vague you present yourself, the greater the risk that your brand message and your brand will be interchangeable. Therefore, the development of a well comprehensible positioning also via the means of packaging design is a central task.
It is best to use our briefing form, which you can order from us by e-mail to info[at] or via our contact form. We would be happy to support you with our portfolio of competencies in the development of your branding strategy and your brand architecture.