Alete 3+ – Launch Toddler Range
Snack fun for the little ones with "Obsties" and "Gemüsies"
For 85 years, the traditional brand Alete has stood for high-quality baby and toddler food, making it the second best-known baby food brand in the German market. The Alete conscious brand message "Naturally good for us", updated since 2020, supports the early introduction of healthy eating habits at young age. With the introduction of freeze-dried snacks for children from 3 years of age at the end of 2021, Alete deliberately lays the foundation for the development of a new product range and the expansion of the target group into the toddler segment.
The challenge of the design development of the new Alete range was to create a balance that does justice to both target groups: on the one hand, to create visual childlike signals and, at the same time, to ensure the topic of conscious nutrition among parents. The starting point of the launch was a design concept with alternative brand stories, illustration styles and characters. In the research, mothers and children confirmed the favourite, which ideally fits the Alete brand message "Naturally good for us". For the new brand identity as part of the further development into a toddler brand, the new products clearly stand out in terms of design from the previous designs (under 1 year and over 1 year).
With the newly created Alete "bewusst" roof in leaf shape, an individual illustration style and a mix of illustrated and photo-realistic food images, a clear differentiation from the competition within the product category is created, but also a recognition of the Alete brand is guaranteed. The new design promises good shelf power at the POS and thus new purchase incentives, the strong bundling of all Toddler products and the range and brand recognition for "Alete bewusst".
The age-appropriate character of a children's book with a cheerful but mild colour scheme appeals especially to the heavy users: the little ones. The two illustrated characters, cute and at the same time cheeky mice, give a glimpse into their idyllic garden world and playfully and exploratively create awareness about food procurement and the origin as well as harvesting of ingredients. Children are involved and excited by a loving variety with different stories, bright colours and tangible design elements within the range.
But also the discerning parents, who place a high value on the nutrition of their children, are convinced by the tasty, healthy snacks. The selling story "Where do my vegetables come from?" with the little garden mice, which is clearly understandable for both target groups, creates space for individual stories and conversations between young and old. The product images on pack were created in a food shoot, depict the new snacks in the original for parents and thus create anticipation for the delicious, crunchy snacking fun.