Zwettler – Launch creative beers
Beer specialties with a confident look
Founded in 1708, Privatbrauerei Zwettl Karl Schwarz GmbH has been managed by the Karl Schwarz family for five generations. Today, the company in Zwettl in Lower Austria's Waldviertel region is one of the leading breweries in the region and one of the most successful private breweries in Austria.
In addition to the regular range of Zwettl beers, the brewery offers a large number of special beers with limited maturities on the market. A new look was developed for these regularly redeveloped specialties with a special recipe of Zwettler Creative Beers. This shows a newly created, self-confident Zwettler umbrella brand "Zwettler Creativ". A newly created overarching design climate clearly bundles all specialty beers under the umbrella brand "Zwettler Creativ" - it is the coherent platform for all new products in the coming years - and ensures their recognition.